Samsul Arifin


This paper reveals the dynamics of the changing therapeutic relationship of the kiai with students (santri) in learning (ngaji) from face-to-face to online models in the time of COVID-19. The research method is ethnographic-hermeneutic. In the face-to-face learning system, therapeutics occur because of the warm relationship by looking directly at the kiai's face which makes the students feel calm. In the “Ngaji Online†the therapeutic system switches to environmental settings that make students feel safe and comfortable. In the “Ngaji Online†system, the warmth of relationships begins to weaken. However, this weakness can be covered up because the spiritual relationship between the kiai and the students still feels strong. This spiritual relationship is the key to therapeutic for the Islamic boarding school.


dynamics; therapeutic; ngaji online; COVID-19

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14203/jki.v0i0.538

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